Dear 10 300,

May 10, 2011

You will actually NOT have any further terms to study from chapters 6, 7, and 8 – you will simply have to have read those chapters in order to be prepared for the quiz. The end. 🙂

10 300 – 1984 Review Ch. 1-5

May 9, 2011

Check back tomorrow for terms to review from chapters 6, 7, and 8.

In the meantime, download the below document, which you can use to begin studying:

Chapter 1-5 Review of Terms for Quiz on Part 1 of 1984

9 300 Hmwk – Per 8 – Due May 5

May 4, 2011

Write a paragraph in your journal about how your own choices in terms of blocking compare to Zeffirelli’s choices and Luhrmann’s choices. Did you imagine the scene taking place in a setting similar to where Zeffirelli sets his scene? Did you imagine it taking place somewhere like Luhrmann’s? What about the way they had the characters move about (climbing things, etc.). Did your Romeo stay on the ground? Why? Why not? Whose scene would be the most interesting if you were to film it – yours, Zeffirelli’s, or Luhrmann’s? Why? Etc.

9 300 Hmwk – 2.2 (The Balcony Scene) for Blocking (In case you were absent)

May 4, 2011

Here is the balcony scene for you to block in case you were absent.

Blank 2.2 For Homework Marking Up R and J

9 300 Per. 2 Hmwk Due May 4

May 3, 2011

Please download the attached document, print it out, and fill it out for homework tonight. I will check it tomorrow.

R and J Blocking 2.1 Hmwk